Category: linux

Here you'll find all my articles related to linux. Enjoy.

Git Setup Your Own Server

Git Setup Your Own Server

I'll show you how to setup your own git server easily

Manage your passwords with password-store

Manage your passwords with password-stor

Today I'll guide you on how to safely manage all your passwords with password-store

new home server ideas

new home server ideas

Here's a short list of components for what will possibly be my future home server.

baking programs

baking programs

baking a cake and building a program from source have a lot in common, and both will leave you satisfied once they've finished cooking

convertire file video in mp3

convertire file video in mp3

a simple way to convert from a video file to an mp3

wp_patcher – un metodo per aggiornare WordPress

wp_patcher – un metodo per aggiornare Wo

Ecco un metodo molto semplice per aggiornare la vostra installazione di WordPress, wp_patcher!!

xrandr e dual head su slackware 12.2 e intel

xrandr e dual head su slackware 12.2 e i

In questo breve articolo vi spiegherò come ottenere un desktop ultra wide che si espande su ben 2 monitor, ingredienti: una scheda video con 2 uscite e un editor di testo...

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